Wartner 2nd Generation Cryotherapy

Wartner 2nd Generation Cryotherapy

Registered under Act 737 – GB52292856718

MDAMD 0017/2021

Who is it for?

Suitable for adults and children aged 4 years and above, and should be applied only by adults. Not advisable for diabetics as the skin may not heal as quickly, as well as pregnant or breastfeeding women, those who have poor blood circulation and those with different skin problems such as broken or irritated skin, hairy warts, genital warts, birthmarks or moles.

What does it do?

Based on the same freezing technology (cryotherapy) used by doctors, it allows users to remove warts at their convenience without having to visit a doctor. It works by freezing the wart or verruca to the core and forms a blister until the wart or verruca falls off. The wart or verruca falls off in just 10-14 days after one application.

New healthy skin will form underneath after the wart falls off.

What’s inside?

  • An aerosol can with a mixture of Dimethyl Ether and Propane (DMEP), which is not harmful to the environment.
  • One reusable applicator holder to apply foam applicators.
  • Disposable foam applicators for up to 12 treatments. 

How to use it?

  • Push the foam applicator on to the applicator holder.
  • Push the applicator holder into the aerosol can for 3 seconds.
  • Wait for 20 seconds after saturation of the foam to further reduce temperature.
  • Hold the white tip of the foam applicator on to warts for 20 seconds or 40 seconds in case of verrucas.
  • Treat only one at a time. Treat each remaining wart/verruca separately with a 2-week interval between treatments.